Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chicks - 6 weeks old!

Hmm, I wonder if we should stop calling them chicks now that they are more like a "teenager". The chicks are losing most of their down feathers and the box seems rather small for them now. They are eating much more and their poo is longer !!

One of the chick seems to be sick, she keeps shaking her head still and starting gapping. We have started to clean up their home every night to keep it cleaner. For some reason, they seem to like eating their own poo.

Went to city farmers tonight to get them some sulfadimidine. Hopefully this will help them to recover from the suspected pneumonia.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Chicks - 5 weeks and still growing!

The chicks are growing bigger and bigger each day. They are not scared of us anymore, in fact, each time I put my hand into the box, they are ready to aim and attack my hand, thinking its food.

We've added a new "toy" for the chicks. It's a carrot hanging from the top, let's see what happen in a few days time. I've also introduce kiwi fruit to them. They seem to like it so far.

Over the weekend, we went down to Busselton and got them a new feeder, for when they are in the garden and also some new "adult" food. Prices are definately cheaper.

see how big it grew!

chooks getting braver and curious too! Flew out of the box to have a look.

she's thinking "What are you looking at??"

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chicks - 4 Weeks old

My goodness!!! What a big difference from 3 weeks to 4 weeks. These hot chicks are getting bigger, fatter and smellier. They are flying around in their palace and having bigger poos!! Their diet has increase a lot too.

This week Craig feed them apple. They don't seem to like it at the beginning but if you stick their chick start on the apple, they will attack it as if they had starved for days. Weird brains.....

The chicks are also starting to get their brownish feathers, right now they look like they are having a bad hair day every single day!

I noticed one of them is shaking her head very vigorously all the time, especially when she is trying to sleep. A search on Google says she could have caught a cold or its just a normal thing. After observing a few days, it does seem like she's fine. Still pretty active and noisy.

What can I say.... my babies are turning into teens now... :)

and a couple days ago I found a poo right outside the palace!!! how on earth did it get out of the box?? did the chick aim its bottom at the hole and shit????

Monday, September 7, 2009

Chicks -New "Palace"

Craig had decided to build the chicks a new "house"....a palace where they are fly about, see the outside world and have a perch to stand on. Didn't take long to do it and the end result is stunning. Now the chicks can see us and we can see them easily. Hopefully it will increase our bonds....

cutting a hole for the lamp
chicks have move into their new home

and they are happy!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chicks- 3 weeks old

I had forget to mention in my last week's post that the chicks were 2 weeks old. This one week had been torturing for the nose. The chicks' poo stink and they (for some reason unknown) poo into their food container and drink container. Craig had been trying to make a water dispenser and failed the 1st few times. The final one seems to work fine.

The chicks seems to be getting bigger too, they are eating lots, well..... I think they enjoy stepping on their food container and throwing the food everywhere and then going hunting for it. We also notice that they do not rest for a long period. They would sit down for about 5-10secs and starting walking around again. I have never caught them sleeping this week.

chicks resting....
I suspect this could be the naughty one....