Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ducks Bathing Video clips

The ducks definitely love their bath. One of them will always be the 1st to jumps in the water and waddle around in the bath.

Here's a clip on all 6 ducks bathing in the bath.

Cleaning themselves

See how dirty the water gets after a few baths

sometimes they help to clean one another

the previous bath is much smaller. Notice one really excited duck cleaning itself.

Our ducks love their greens!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chicks Week 20 - Who dropped Fat Man????

Fat Man is the bomb that US dropped on Nagasaki on 9 August 1945.

This egg is dropped on 28 September 2010. I had caught the suspects and they are placed behind fence. The suspects are

who is the one who dropped Fat Man????

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ducks Week 9 - Ducks' New Bath

The ducks got a new bath a few weeks ago and they are happy as larks! This new bath is much bigger (use more water as well!!!) and more spacious. All 6 ducks can actually go in together and have a bath.
There's usually one duck that loves to jump into the water 1st and the rest of them will follow. I seldom see all 6 ducks in the bath together as there's one which doesn't seem to like water or too timid to go in.

one duck had enough of water

Super duck??

or music conductor?

cleaning up after bath

I'm a duck and I love my bath :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Guess what's new in the feather family? Pilgrim Goslings!

Craig found a lady selling gosling eggs but she had none left. What she did has is one gosling that hatched on Tuesday night and we went to pick up two today (that's all she has ) and we got 3 more eggs to hatch ourselves. 30days and we will know the results.

These goslings are females as they are dark in color. Pilgrim breed autosex, which is to say the males will be all white and the females will be grey in color. This comes in very handy when selecting the gender.

no names for them yet. 

we've decided to watch Frasier. I think they like it as much as me!

After a long day.....

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ducks Week 6- Out in the pen

Today the ducks get to experience a different type of freedom in the pen. We had open up the fence again and insert the chicken coop into the pen. The busybody chooks quickly went to inspect and made themselves at home. After all, it is their old home. Without any invitation, they have start eating the duck food and drinking from their water bowl.

And of cos, how can any inspection be carried out without the elder Nasty Pasty and Feisty.

Caught on camera so we know who is the one causing all the mess!

The ducks were immediately shown the big open space and they are not shy at all, walking around the pen athough they quickly found a safe haven in the corner.

Did Mandy see something she disapprove?

Geeze...Little need to cover up his beak when he yawn. Yes.. we think it might be a "he" for it has been making funny crooking sound, almost like he's having asthma.

Watch out ducks, Inspector Feisty is here!

And Stripy wants to have a go too! the ducks did not get much chance to warm their bottoms.

Ducks enjoying their new bath area.
And eating from the chook's feeder as well!

First Stripy flew up to the top of the coop while the rest watch (didn't managed to get a picture of this). Next Mandy wants to be high too.

The the rooster decided it wants to be a man too and show off. (after a few unsuccessful attempts, witness by the hens and ducks )

So, I believe the ducks are happy with this new arrangement, they are always wagging their tails. Being a duck is great (except when you are being eaten), just spend the day slacking, grooming and eating. Of cos, our ducks always put on their best (timid) behavior when Inspector Feisty is always just around the corner.