Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gosling - 3 weeks old (Eating)

Watch King Kong Zena chomps and tears her lettuce while little Zoey struggle to keep up the eating competition.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gosling - 3 weeks old

It's 3 weeks now and Zena is till growing quickly. Little Zoey can't seem to catch up. Zena is turning into a little fatty. Zena is starting to get adult feathers as well. Her wings are growing much bigger too (like chicken wing! )

                                                               1st Zena stared
Then Zoey copied

Closed up of the girls

Then Zoey copied again...learning from big sister

                                                                           the silly ones

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gosling and Ducks

Watch the noisy ducks being will crack and suddenly all will start running

The goslings are having a bath again. they seem to enjoy their bath more now that they are older

Watch the gosling groom after their bath...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gosling - 2 weeks old

See how big Zena has grown!! she's definitely much bigger than Zoey. We think it's because she's such a piggy chomping away all the lettuce and grower food.

See the clear difference in size between Zena (on right) and Zoey (on left)

Lettuce monsters!

Zena is bigger than my palm now!


A little synchronize grooming

and rest

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gosling - First Bath in the duck bath!

Watch how the little ones paddle in the water. They seem to be quite weary about the water, giving only occasional kicks and dips.

Watch us swim!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My special bed

Zena and Zoey gets to enjoy some fluffy bed today.

the girls make alot of noise when they try to sleep

Watch the gosling flick their lettuce around

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lettuce Lovers!

When I asked Zena to smile for the camera, this is what she did.

Not a smile for me.

Zena and Zoey has got on the Lettuce Craze! They are noisily chirping until I gave them a lettuce leave and only will they quiet down and start busy chomping.

see how the little piggies tear their food apart!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2nd Bath Experience

Today the girls had their run around the garden again, they seem to like the rocket lettuce alot so I gave them a lettuce leave to play with/eat.

 After they fun in the garden, I gave them a special treat of having a bigger bath. That's right, they get to bath in the real bath.

It took them a few minutes to work out what's going on but they are soon paddling happily in the water. Zoey was even dipping her head in the water for a clean.

Monday, October 11, 2010

1st Gosling Bath

Today, I decided to let the girls try some padding and swimming in a small area, so a bucket is my best option (whatever I can find actually within my reach)

Zoey and Zena were unsure of the water at first but they got the idea of paddling very quickly. It looks like their tiny legs are getting a good workout in the water!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Gosling - Big Day out!

Craig took the little ones out to have some sunlight today. They were sticking to him closely as if he is their mum.we noticed one gosling has darker feathers and the other has lighter feathers in the daylight.

Running from one parent to the other

Exploring the garden

The goslings were running around exploring the garden and not long after they are snoozy again.

Poor gosling got burn by the heat lamp and Craig is providing extra fatherly care

some cooking lessons for the goslings!

We (actually just me) have decided to name the darker one Zena and the lighter one Zoey. Zena has been very brave today staying strong despite her sore eye. :(

After a long day, the girls are happy to be in their little home.