Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hatch Day 16May 2010....more hatching to come

Number One asking the rest to Line up! Attention!

Name: 2nd Chick
Time of birth: 1:39pm
Color: Yellowish

Name: 3rd Chick
Time of birth: 2.44pm
Color: Black-brown

2nd & 3rd Chick

Name: 4th Chick
Time of birth: 
Color: black-brown

3rd & 4th Chick

Name: 5th Chick
Time of birth: 7.45pm
Color: black-brown

Name: 6th Chick
Time of birth: 8.39pm
Color: yellow-brown

nearly there!

Free at last!

struggling with itself...

5th&6th Chick

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