Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chickies at 2 weeks old

The young ones are surviving winter well. A home made heater had been made for them they are getting along well together with one another. Only 2 weeks old and they are eating alot and pooing alot. We had to change new bedding for them each night. Very soon we will have to get them into a bigger home.

Check out some of the new born and 2 weeks old pictures. We now can see clearly there 3 yellow ones, 2 brown with black marking ones, one brown one and one yellow with black wings.

there's Little and Stripy at the background...

learning to balance on their perch. A few bigger chicks are sleeping on the perch too.

The gang!

Little at 2 weeks old                                                                               Little at one day old

Above: 2 weeks old   Below 2days old

Stripy at 2 weeks old                                  Stripy at 2 days old

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