Saturday, December 18, 2010

Goslings - 6 weeks old

Zara, Zack and Zeva are getting bigger each day, not sure if the lettuce contributes to their fast growth. Very soon we'll have to bring them to Busso. They have started to make honking noises as well though they are not honking yet.

They love sitting by the door and on their carpet. One time Craig took the carpet away and when the gosling found out they are making heaps of noise to protest. They also love chewing our thongs/slippers.

This is Zara's favorite spot. If Zeva or Zack had taken her spot, she will kick a big fuss (like screaming her head off! ) until she gets her spot back. 

Zack and Zeva feeling sleepy
      Zeva (at the back) is a sleeping beauty...she's always the 1st among them to fall asleep.

zZara (above, bottom left)

                                                                                 Zack (right)

Gosling pigging out at the lettuce. Zara at the far end, Zeva and Zack. Chooks and Ducks had their share too

Zack bitting on a lettuce

Zena chomping away..

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