Sunday, December 12, 2010

2 new Muscovy duckling hatched!!

Elvis had been clucky and Craig went to got some Muscovy duck eggs for her to sit on so she can be a proud mum and we can have some fly eating ducks.

Well, how did that turn out? Elvis is a very noisy mum and the duckling do not chase flies on their own to eat!! they are quite happy to be fed flies. Slackers!

We think these 2 ducklings were hatched some time around 11th to 12th. can't really tell the exact date as she's under Elvis, all we can hear is chirps.

here's pictures of proud mum and her kids

i've named this one Davey. Davey has a pretty strip across it's eye. And the other one is called Debbie, which i can't get a picture of due to fat mum.

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