Friday, December 31, 2010

Muscovy ducks- First Bath week 4

Today i've placed a kitty tray into the coop for the ducklings and threw Donna(the 1st one i can catch) into the water. They are scared and jump out of it quickly. Food always work so I tear up a few lettuce and place into the water and threw Donna again into the water, followed by Debbie. Doesn't take them long to get used to the water and soon they are splashing around and eating the lettuce. Davey is mummy's boy and he hang around Elvis to make sure nothing happen to him.I tried to place Davey into the water but he doesn't like it and jump out quickly. 

 Davey watching the water closely while Debbie and Donna have a ball

Donna looking at the camera

Davey keeping an eye on the camera

Donna and Debbie

 Davey still keeping an eye on the camera

I've changed the water in the duck bath and give the duckings an opportunity to swim in the "big" open. Look at Donna having a dive!

 Davey seems more relaxed now (it was hard to catch him) in the duck bath.

Ducks are being jealous, they are eyeing the water and waiting for their chance to jump in.

Donna having one last dive while Davey and Debbie dry themselves. 

Watch Donna have her 1st dive and the jealous ducks hang around.....

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